Submit to FERA

The Florida Educational Research Association uses this management system for both the Florida Journal of Educational Research (FJER) and the Annual Meeting of the Florida Educational Research Association. You will be able to select different submission types for the conference within the system. For guidelines on the type of submissions, and to submit, please select the links below.

Conference Submissions

Journal Submissions

Journal Special Issue Call - FERA 2024 - Deadline May 3, 2024

We are pleased to announce the annual FERA conference Special Issue inspired by presentations of
faculty, educators, and doctoral students at FERA 2024. Once again, the annual November meeting was
filled with high quality presentations that stimulated rich conversations about (the future of)
educational research in Florida and elsewhere. The aim of the annual FERA Special Issue is to share
presentations beyond the conference audience.

Deadline and Submission: May 3, 2024, please indicate you are submitting for Vol. 61 No. 3 (2024):
2023 Florida Educational Research Association Conference Special Issue.

See full call: Special Issue Call

Make a new submission to the FJER Special Issue Proposals section.

PLEASE NOTE: certain communications from this submission system make reference to FJER by default even if you are submitting to the conference. If you selected the correct submission type, then your conference submission will not be entered into the journal review system. If you submited to the wrong area, we will be happy to assist you.