Vol. 2008 Núm. 5
New Publications 5/20/2008 through 7/9/2008

New and revised EDIS publications that have been released to the public between May 20, 2008 and July 9, 2008.

Historical Fact Sheets

D.L. Wright, C. Mackowiak, I. Small, A. Blount
Inoculation of Agronomic and Forage Crop Legumes: SS-AGR-154/AA126, rev. 12/2017
View article on AskIFAS (English) PDF-2017 (English)
J. Bryan Unruh, Barry J. Brecke, Laurie E. Trenholm
Weed Management in Home Lawns: ENH884/EP141, rev. 4/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Faith M. Oi, Rudolf Scheffrahn, William Kern, Jr., Kathleen C. Ruppert
Drywood and Dampwood Termites: ENY-211/IG098, rev. 2/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Melissa B. Haley, Michael D. Dukes, Stacia Davis, Mary Shedd, Bernard Cardenas-Lailhacar
Energy Efficient Homes: The Irrigation System: FCS3274/FY1043, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Terry B. DelValle, Joan Bradshaw, Barbra Larson, Kathleen C. Ruppert
Energy Efficient Homes: Landscaping: FCS3281/FY1050, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English) PDF-2012 (English) PDF-2015 (English)
Glenn D. Israel, Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez
Using Focus Group Interviews for Planning or Evaluating Extension Programs: AEC 387/PD036, rev. 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Aubrey L. Stoughton, Brian E. Myers
Creating and Working with Rubrics: AEC388/WC069, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez, Glenn D. Israel, Marna Weston, Kathryn A. Israel
Extension Program and Customer Satisfaction: Are We Serving All Clients Well? AEC389/WC070, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Lauren Dillard, Brian E. Myers
Visual Teaching Tools: Concept Maps: AEC 390/WC071, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Martha C. Monroe, Jenny Seitz, Shruti Agrawal, Sheda Morshed, Elizabeth Swiman, Michelle Aldridge, Vicki Crisp
Improving Inservice Teacher Workshops in Florida: FOR 109/FR157, rev. 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Jamie S. Foster, Stephanie A. Havemann
The Basics of Educational Podcasting: Enhancing the Student Learning Experience: MB004/MB004, 7/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
B. G. Sapp, Dwain D. Johnson, Larry E. Eubanks, Joel H. Brendemuhl
The Effects of Freezing on the Processing Characteristics and Palatability Attributes of Fresh Pork Legs: AN202/AN202, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Hyun-Jeong Lee, Kathleen C. Ruppert, Wendell A. Porter
Energy Efficient Homes: Laundry Area: FCS3260/FY1030, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Hyun-Jeong Lee, Kathleen C. Ruppert, Wendell A. Porter, Travis Prescott
Energy Efficient Homes: Appliances in General: FCS3266/FY1032, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Nicholas W. Taylor, M. Jennison Kipp, Kathleen C. Ruppert
Energy Efficient Homes: Easy Steps to Improving Your Home's Energy Efficiency: FCS3267/FY1028, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Nicholas W. Taylor, M. Jennison Kipp, Kathleen C. Ruppert
Energy Efficient Homes: Incentive Programs for Energy Efficiency: FCS3268/FY1033, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Hyun-Jeong Lee, Kathleen C. Ruppert, Wendell A. Porter
Energy Efficient Homes: Fluorescent Lighting: FCS3270/FY1031, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Nicholas W. Taylor, Jeffrey Michael, Kathleen C. Ruppert
Energy Efficient Homes: An Introduction to Carbon Footprints: FCS3271/FY1040, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Nicholas W. Taylor, Jeffrey Michael, Barbara Haldeman
Energy Efficient Homes: Comparing Homes for Energy Efficiency: FCS3272/FY1041, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Nicholas W. Taylor, Brent Philpot, Kathleen C. Ruppert
Energy Efficient Homes: The Energy and Water Connection: FCS3273/FY1042, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Hyun-Jeong Lee, Kathleen C. Ruppert, Wendell A. Porter
Energy Efficient Homes: Indoor Air Quality and Energy: FCS3275/FY1044, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Barbara Haldeman, Wendell A. Porter, Kathleen C. Ruppert
Energy Efficient Homes: Introduction to LED Lighting: FCS3280/FY1049, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Kathleen C. Ruppert, Wendell A. Porter, Hyun-Jeong Lee
Energy Efficient Homes: Windows and Skylights: FCS3276/FY1045, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Nicholas W. Taylor, Barbra Larson, Jeffrey Michael
Energy Efficient Homes: Green Certification Programs: FCS3278/FY1047, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Kathleen C. Ruppert, Anna Cam Fentriss, Hyun-Jeong Lee
Energy Efficient Homes: Home Inspections: FCS3279/FY1048, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Nicholas W. Taylor, Jeffrey Michael, Craig Miller
Energy Efficient Homes: ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes: FCS3282/FY1051, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Henry M. Cothran
Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Programs: Making Your (Power) Point: FE713/FE713, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Max Teplitski, Keith Schneider, Michelle Danyluk
Salmonella and tomatoes: Q & A for consumers: SL263/SS484, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Kimberly L. Morgan, Sherry L. Larkin, Charles M. Adams
Public Costs of Florida Red Tides, 2007: FE711/FE711, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Jennifer Seitz, Francisco Escobedo
Urban Forests in Florida: Trees Control Stormwater Runoff and Improve Water Quality: FOR184/FR239, 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Rick Williams
A New Twist in Managing Cogongrass: FOR185/FR240, 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
William S. Castle
Field Guide to Identify the Common Casuarina (Australian Pine) Species in Florida: HS1140/HS394, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Brent Sellers
Mexican Prickly Poppy: Biology and Control: SS AGR 304/AG311, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
John D. Arthington
Essential Trace Minerals for Grazing Cattle in Florida: AN086/AN086, rev. 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
John Arthington
Early Weaning: a Management Alternative for Florida Beef Cattle Producers: AN131/AN131, rev. 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Russ Giesy, Albert De Vries, Jay Giesy
Florida Dairy Farm Situation and Outlook 2008: AN200/AN200, 7/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Bob Myer, Matt Hersom
Corn Gluten Feed for Beef Cattle: AN201/AN201, 4/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
David R. Bray
Troubleshooting a Herd with a High Bacteria Count: AN205/AN205, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Richard J. Henny, Jianjun Chen, Terri A. Mellich
New Florida Foliage Plant Cultivar: 'Orange Hot' Anthurium: ENH1100/EP364, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Richard J. Henny, Jianjun Chen, Terri A. Mellich
New Florida Foliage Plant Cultivar: Aglaonema 'Stripes': ENH1101/EP365, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Richard J. Henny, Jianjun Chen, Terri A. Mellich
Tropical Foliage Plant Development: Breeding Techniques for Anthurium and Spathiphyllum: ENH1102/EP366, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Allen Morris, Ron Muraro
Economic Evaluation of Citrus Greening Management and Control Strategies: FE712/FE712, 6/2008
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James Syvertsen, Edward A. Hanlon
Citrus Tree Stresses: Effects on Growth and Yield: HS1138/HS393, 5/2008
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Eric Simonne, Robert Hochmuth, Jacque Breman, William Lamont, Danielle Treadwell, Aparna Gazula
Drip-irrigation systems for small conventional vegetable farms and organic vegetable farms: HS 1144/HS388, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Thomas W. Dean, Frederick M. Fishel
Broadcast Boom Sprayer Calibration: PI24/PI016, rev. 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
When a Pesticide Doesn't Work: PI-163/PI200, 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
Activated Charcoal for Pesticide Inactivation: PI 164/WG065, rev. 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Gary Vallad, Amanda Gevens
Organic Management of Vegetable Diseases Part I: Soilborne Pathogens: PP253/PP169, 6/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Ken Pernezny, Jeff Jones, Russell Nagata, Nikol Havranek
Host-Plant Resistance and Management of Bacterial Spot of Pepper: PP255/PP171, 6/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
Joao Vendramini, U. Inyang, Brent Sellers, Lynn E. Sollenberger, Maria Silveira
Mulato (Brachiaria sp.): SS AGR 303/AG310, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Max Irsik, Todd Thrift
Emergency Considerations for Beef Cattle: VM167/VM117, 5/2008
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2008 (English)
Amanda M. House
Developing a Vaccination and Deworming Program for the Adult Horse: VM170/VM132, 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)
William S. Castle
Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq. (River sheoak) in Florida and its Potential as a Windbreak Plant for Citrus Groves: HS1139/HS392, 5/2008
PDF-2008 (English)