Use of Gibberellic Acid Treatments to Improve Health and Yield of HLB-Affected Sweet Orange Trees (Part 1 of 2)
May 2019: Untreated (left) and GA-treated (right) ‘Valencia’ trees. Note differences in canopy density, fruit drop, and fruit color. GA-treated tree has more fruit than untreated, but due to green color they are difficult to see.
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Cómo citar

Vashisth, T., y A. Singerman. 2023. «Use of Gibberellic Acid Treatments to Improve Health and Yield of HLB-Affected Sweet Orange Trees (Part 1 of 2): HS1456 HS1456, 2 2023». EDIS 2023 (1). Gainesville, FL.


This publication discusses gibberellic acid use in citrus. Written by T. Vashisth and A. Singerman, and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, February 2023.
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