How to Characterize Soil Variability in Florida Citrus Groves as It Relates to Tree Growth and Yield
Aerial photograph of a Florida citrus grove showing the spatial variability of tree growth.
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Mann, Kirandeep K., Arnold W. Schumann, Thomas A. Obreza, Willie G. Harris, y Jerry B. Sartain. 2012. «How to Characterize Soil Variability in Florida Citrus Groves As It Relates to Tree Growth and Yield: SL556 SS557, 1 2012». EDIS 2012 (1). Gainesville, FL.


Non-uniform tree growth and fruit yield are very common throughout many Florida citrus groves, but variable groves are typically managed as if they were uniform. This 4-page fact sheet provides information about the relationship between soil variability and citrus production, proposes recommendations for soil sampling that account for spatial variability, and suggests site-specific management practices for variable Florida citrus groves. Written by Kirandeep K. Mann, Arnold W. Schumann, Thomas A. Obreza, Willie G. Harris, and Jerry B. Sartain, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, January 2012.

SL556/SS557: How to Characterize Soil Variability in Florida Citrus Groves as It Relates to Tree Growth and Yield (
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Ehsani, R., A. Schumann, and M. Salyani. 2009. Variable Rate Technology for Florida Citrus. AE444. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Mann, K.K., A.W. Schumann, and T. A. Obreza. 2011a. "Delineating Productivity Zones in a Citrus Grove Using Citrus Production, Tree Growth and Temporally Stable Soil Data." Precision Agriculture 12 (4):457-72. doi:10.1007/s11119-010-9189-y.

Mann, K.K., A.W. Schumann, T.A. Obreza, M. Teplitski, W.G. Harris, and J.B. Sartain. 2011b. "Spatial Variability of Soil Chemical and Biological Properties in Florida Citrus Production." Soil Science Society of America Journal 75. doi:10.2136/SSSAJ2010.0358.

Obreza, T.A., M. Zekri, and E.W. Hanlon. 2008. "Soil and Leaf Tissue Testing." SL253. In Nutrition of Florida Citrus Trees, 2nd edition, edited by T.A. Obreza and K.L. Morgan, 24-32. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Zaman, Q., and A.W. Schumann. 2006. "Nutrient Management Zones for Citrus Based on Variation in Soil Properties and Tree Performance." Precision Agriculture 7: 45-63.
