Ranking Dairy Sires Using Genetic Selection Indices Based on Financial Investment Methods versus Lifetime Net Merit: Description and Spreadsheet
Bull in Ona, Florida.
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Schmitt, Michael, y Albert De Vries. 2021. «Ranking Dairy Sires Using Genetic Selection Indices Based on Financial Investment Methods Versus Lifetime Net Merit: Description and Spreadsheet: AN364 AN364, 5 2021». EDIS 2021 (3). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-an364-2021.


This factsheet describes ways to rank dairy sires using genetic selection indices based on financial investment methods versus Lifetime Net Merit. The factsheet also discusses a spreadsheet that contains the calculations. Written by Michael Schmitt and Albert De Vries, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, May 2021.

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