Florida's Established Arthropod Weed Biological Control Agents and Their Targets
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Cuda, James P., y J. Howard Frank. 2009. «Florida’s Established Arthropod Weed Biological Control Agents and Their Targets: ENY-853 IN779, 9 2009». EDIS 2009 (10). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-in779-2009.


ENY853, a 3-page fact sheet by J. P. Cuda and J. H. Frank, describes the role of biological control agents in controlling nonnative invasive weeds, lists the arthropod biological control agents that are established for seven invasive weeds, and provides links to additional resources. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, September 2009.

ENY-853/IN779: Florida's Established Arthropod Weed Biological Control Agents and Their Targets (ufl.edu)

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