Field Guide to Identify the Common Casuarina (Australian Pine) Species in Florida
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Cómo citar

Castle, William S. 2008. «Field Guide to Identify the Common Casuarina (Australian Pine) Species in Florida: HS1140 HS394, 5 2008». EDIS 2008 (5). Gainesville, FL.


HS-1140, an 8-page illustrated field guide by William S. Castle, provides practical information and photographs for anyone interested in field identification of these plants. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences May 2008.

HS1140/HS394: Field Guide to Identify the Common Casuarina (Australian Pine) Species in Florida (
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PDF-2008 (English)


Wilson, K.L. and L.A.S. Johnson. 1989. Casuarinaceae. In: A.S. George (ed.) Flora of Australia, vol. 3. Hamamelidales to Casuarinales. Aus. Govt Printing Serv., Canberra.

Woodall, S.L. and T.F. Geary. 1985. Identity of Florida Casuarinas. USDA Forest Serv. SE Forest Expt. Stn. Res. Note SE-332.
