Small Farm Food Safety, Fresh Produce, Part 4: Farm Map Activity
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 20 nursery image
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Lapinski, Brian, Amy Simonne, y Marilyn E. Swisher. 2007. «Small Farm Food Safety, Fresh Produce, Part 4: Farm Map Activity: FCS8845 FY969, `10 2007». EDIS 2007 (20). Gainesville, FL.


FCS8845, a 3-page fact sheet by Brian Lapinski, Amy Simonne, and M.E. Swisher, provides a schematic map of a theoretical farm and invites readers to identify and comment on the potential food safety risks depicted. Published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2007.

FCS8845/FY969: Small Farm Food Safety, Fresh Produce—Part 4: Farm Map Activity (

Ask IFAS: Small Farm Food Safety series (
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