Nematodes of Backyard Deciduous Fruit Trees in Florida
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 6 tree after hurricane image
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Cómo citar

Rich, Jimmy R., Robert A. Dunn, y Peter C. Andersen. 2007. «Nematodes of Backyard Deciduous Fruit Trees in Florida: ENY-055 NG044, 12 2006». EDIS 2007 (6). Gainesville, FL.


ENY-055, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Jimmy R. Rich, Robert A. Dunn, and Peter C. Andersen, provides an introduction to nematodes for the home owner, with sections discussing why nematodes are a pest, what they do to fruit crops, what kinds of nematodes affect fruit trees in Florida, how to tell if a problem comes from nematodes, how to manage nematodes, and key considerations. Includes a table of fruit crops and nematodes most likely to affect them in North Florida. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, December 2006.

ENY-055/NG044: Nematodes of Backyard Deciduous Fruit and Nut Crops in Florida (
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