New Options for Managing Weeds in the Landscape
EDIS Cover Volume 2006 Number 15 persimmon image
PDF-2006 (English)

Palabras clave


Cómo citar

Unruh, J. Bryan, y Barry J. Brecke. 2006. «New Options for Managing Weeds in the Landscape: ENH1039 EP296, 6 2006». EDIS 2006 (15). Gainesville, FL.


ENH-1039, a 3-page fact sheet by Dr. J. Bryan Unruh and Dr. Barry J. Brecke, describes proper management practices for promoting dense, healthy grass. For situations where these management practices do not suffice, the authors provide descriptions of several new herbicides that are available for use on turfgrasses. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, June, 2006.
PDF-2006 (English)