Valuing Florida Water Resources: Households’ Willingness to Pay for Water Availability
A coiled water hose awaits use in UF's Fifield Garden. Horticulture, irrigation, water, maintenance, spigot, lawn care. UF/IFAS Photo: Tyler Jones
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Borisova, Tatiana, Fei He, Xiang Bi, Kelly Grogan, Tara Wade, y Syed Shah. 2019. «Valuing Florida Water Resources: Households’ Willingness to Pay for Water Availability: FE1068, 8/2019». EDIS 2019 (6). Gainesville, FL:8.


This paper is a part of the EDIS series “Economic Value of Florida Water Resources”. As the other papers in the series discuss, water resources provide us with a variety of goods and services (often referred to as ecosystem services). This paper discusses another ecosystem service that Florida water resources provide: water supply for households needs. In this article, we present several examples of valuing water availability found in literature and focused on Florida and other regions.
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