Irrigation Practices for Peaches in Florida
Peach trees in a peach orchard
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chilling hours
soil moisture

Cómo citar

Zambrano-Vaca, C., Lincoln Zotarelli, Katie W. Migliaccio, Richard Beeson, Kelly T. Morgan, Jose X. Chaparro, y Mercy A. Olmstead. 2018. «Irrigation Practices for Peaches in Florida: HS1316, 4 2018». EDIS 2018 (2). Gainesville, FL.


This 6-page document provides basic information and guidelines on water requirements and irrigation strategies for peaches grown in Florida. Written by C. Zambrano-Vaca, L. Zotarelli, K. Migliaccio, R. Beeson Jr., K. Morgan, J. Chaparro, and M. Olmstead and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, April 2018.
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