2023: Citrus Trade Journal Articles
Citrus Trade Journal Articles

Citrus-related articles reviewed at the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center prior to publication in industry trade journals.

Tripti Vashisth, Taylor Livingston
Gibberellic Acid Shows Promising Results on Hamlin
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Jawwad Qureshi
Reduce Pests With Natural Enemies
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Matt Smith
What To Do When You’ve Been Exposed to a Pesticide
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Jawwad Qureshi
The Benefits of Growing Citrus on UV-Metalized Reflective Mulch
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Ariel Singerman
How Much Yield Is Needed to Offset the Cost of Injecting Trees With Oxytetracycline?
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Sandra M. Guzmán
Enhancing Smart Irrigation With Centralized Data
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Megan M. Dewdney
Post-hurricane Expectations for Foliar Diseases and Phytophthora
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Davie Mayeso Kadyampakeni, Lauren Diepenbrock , Jawwad Qureshi
Deficit Irrigation in HLB-affected Citrus Trees
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Ute Albrecht, Ankit Pokhrel, Sarah Strauss, Ramdas Kanissery
Integrating Use of Organic Soil Amendments and Weed Management
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Ariel Singerman, arnold schumann
Return-on-Investment Potential of CUPS
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Tripti Vashisth, Wesley Webb, Taylor S. Livingston
Treat HLB Trees With the Right PGR at the Right Time
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Ariel Singerman
Citrus Acreage Attrition by County in Florida
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock, Angela Chuang
Blanket Flowers Increase Arthropod Predators and Pollinators in Citrus Groves
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Nian Wang
Lessons Learned From HLB as an Immune-Mediated Plant Disease
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Fernando Alferez, Muhammad Shahid
Can brassinosteroids help citrus to cope with disease and extreme weather?
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Danielle S. Williams
Update on the Cold-Hardy Citrus Region
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Danielle Williams
A Guide to Safe, Effective Pesticide Use
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Ariel Singerman
Citrus Harvesting Trends in Florida
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Ramdas Kanissery, Mahesh Bashyal
Effects of Compost and Organic Amendments on Weed Control
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Xixuan Tang, Yu Wang, Fred Gmitter, Jude Grosser
Sweet New Discoveries Open Up Opportunities for Citrus Industry
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Sarah Strauss, Emma Dawson, Elena Karlsen-Ayala
Using cover crops to improve soil health
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock
Developing management for a new snail pest
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Ute Albrecht
Research update on oxytetracycline injection for HLB management
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Lourdes Perez Cordero
How to Properly Transport and Store Pesticides
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Lukasz Stelinski, Lauren Diepenbrock, Larry Duncan
Diaprepes in Florida citrus: Past, present, and future.
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Ajia Paolillo
Key Terms to Know When Using Pesticides
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Manjul Dutt, Gary England, Fred Gmitter
Examining Hamlin Survivor Trees
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Jude Grosser, Fred Gmitter, Yu Wang, Maria Brenelli, Ling Liu
Citrus Breeding Efforts to Solve the Brix Crisis
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Ozgur Batuman
Citrus viruses without border: Leprosis and yellow vein clearing viruses.
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Amir Rezazadeh
IPCs Prove to Be Game-Changer in Citrus Production
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