Worker Protection Standard: Determining Your WPS Responsibilities
Flowers and inflorescences of 'Bloomify Red' lantana grown outdoors in ground beds in full sun in Florida. Figure 2 from publication EP544/EP544: ‘Bloomify™ Red’ and ‘Bloomify™ Rose’, Two Infertile Lantana camara Cultivars for Production and Use in Florida. Credit: UF/IFAS.
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Worker Protection Standard

How to Cite

Fishel, Frederick M. 2017. “Worker Protection Standard: Determining Your WPS Responsibilities: SS-AGR-417 AG418, 9 2017”. EDIS 2017 (5). Gainesville, FL.


The WPS requires agricultural employers to take steps to reduce pesticide-related risks when agricultural workers and pesticide handlers are exposed to these pesticides. The EPA has made several changes to the WPS since it was fully implemented in 1995. On November 2, 2015, the EPA revised the WPS, making significant changes to the rule’s requirements. Most of the revised provisions will become effective January 2, 2017; there are four provisions that are delayed until January 2, 2018. In late 2016, the EPA released the revised “How to Comply Manual” to provide an updated resource. This document will address determining responsibilities under the revised WPS.
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