This document is about Tilapia, which is a generic term used to designate a group of commercially important food fish belonging to the family Cichlidae; the expression is derived from the African native Bechuana word "thiape," meaning fish. Cichlids are classified in the large order Perciformes, and inhabit the fresh and brackish waters of Africa, the Middle East, coastal India, Central and South America. True tilapias, however, are native only to Africa and the Middle East. Although exotic to the United States, populations of tilapia are now established in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, and Texas. First published July, 1992.
Aquaculture Magazine, P.O. Box 2329, Asheville, North Carolina 28802.
Balarin, J.D. and R.D. HaIler. 1982. The intensive culture of tilapia in tanks, raceways and cages. In: Muir, J.F. & R.J. Roberts (eds.). Recent Advances in Aquaculture. Croom Helm Ltd: London, England.
Fishelson, L. and Z. Yaron (compilers). 1983. International symposium on tilapia in aquaculture. Tel Aviv University: Tel Aviv, Israel.
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Department. University of Florida, 7922 NW 7lst St., Gainesville, Florida 32606. Telephone: (352) 392-9617.
Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. Aquaculture Project, 3900 Drane Field Rd., Lakeland, Florida 33803. Telephone: (813) 644-9269 or (800) 282-8002.
Hepher, B. & Y. Pruginin. 1981. Commercial fish farming: with special reference to fish culture in Israel. John Wiley & Sons: New York, New York.
National Aquaculture Information Center. National Agricultural Library, Room 304, 10301 Baltimore Blvd., Beltsville, Maryland 20705. Telephone: (301) 344-3704.
Popma, T.J. and B.W. Green. 1990. Sex reversal of tilapia in earthen ponds. International Center for Aquaculture: Auburn University, Alabama.
Pullin, R.S.V. 1988. The second international symposium on tilapia in aquaculture. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM): Manila, Phillippines.
Pullin, R.S.V. and R.H. Lowe-McConnell (eds.). 1982. The biology and culture of tilapias. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM): Manila, Philippines.
Seafood Business Magazine. Journal Pub., P.O. Box 908, Rockland, Maryland 04841.
Seafood Leader Magazine. Waterfront Press Co., 1115 NW 46th St., Seattle, Washington 98107.
Tave, D. 1990. Supermale tilapia. Aquaculture Magazine 16(2): 69-72.
Trewavas, E. 1983. Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis, and Danakilia. Cornell University Press: Ithaca, New York.
Torrans, L. 1988. Blue tilapia culture in Arkansas. University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Program, EC560: Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

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