This document is about Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Channel catfish belong to the family Ictaluridae, in the large catfish order Siluriformes. The order includes over two thousand species, and most of them inhabit the fresh waters of the tropics. In the United States, the family Ictaluridae is native to the water drainages east of the Rocky Mountains, and contains about forty-three recognized species. Other important commercial species in the family include the blue catfish (I. furcatus), white catfish I. catus), yellow bullhead (I. natalis), brown bullhead (I. nebulosus), black bullhead (I.melas), and the flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris). First published in July, 1992.
Alabama Publications. Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures. Auburn University, Alabama 36849.
Catfish and Aquaculture News. PO Box 199, Ridgeland, Mississippi 39158.
Catfish Farmers of America. Aquaculture Association. 1100 Hwy. 82 East, Suite 202, Indiano]a, Mississippi 38751.
Catfish Production. National Agricultural Statistics Service. ERS/NASS, PO Box 1608, Rockville, Maryland 20850. Telephone: (800) 999-6779.
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Department. University of Florida, 7922 NW 718t St., Gainesville, Florida 32606. Telephone: (904) 392-9617.
Lee, J.S. 1973. Commercial Catfish Farming. Interstate Printers &Publishers. Danville: Illinois.
Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service, Box 5446, Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762.
National Aquaculture Information Center. National Agricultural Library, Room 304, 1030 Baltimore Blvd., Beltsville, Maryland 20705.
Seafood Business Magazine. Journal Publication, P.O. Box 908, Rockland, Maryland 04841.
Seafood Leader Magazine. Waterfront Press Co., 1115 NW 46th St., Seattle, Washington 98107.
Tucker, C.S. and E. Robinson. 1990. Channel catfish farming handbook. Van Nostrand Reinhold. Florence: Kentucky.
Tucker, C.S. 1985. Channel catfish culture. Developments in aquaculture and fisheries science 15. Elsevier. Amsterdam: The Netherlands.

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