Field Evaluation of Container Nursery Irrigation Systems: Part 1: Measuring Operating Pressures in the Irrigation System
EDIS Cover Volume 19972 Number 1 drop water image


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automatic irrigation systems
irrigation systems
field methods


How to Cite

Haman, Dorota Z., and Thomas H. Yeager. 1997. “Field Evaluation of Container Nursery Irrigation Systems: Part 1: Measuring Operating Pressures in the Irrigation System: AE262/AE088, 6/1997”. EDIS 1997 (June). Gainesville, FL.


Performance of sprinkler and microirrigation systems can be evaluated by measuring operating pressures, application rates, and uniformity of water application under nursery conditions. Knowledge of these factors is important to determine the causes of poor system performance. This publication will focus on operating pressure and will discuss application rates and uniformity in other publications.
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