Irrigation has become commonplace for residential homeowners desiring high quality landscapes in Florida. Turfgrass is a key landscape component and normally the most commonly used single type of plant in the residential landscape. Although Florida has a humid climate where the precipitation rate, on average, is greater than the evapotranspiration rate, the winter and spring are normally dry. The dry winter/spring weather and sporadic large rain events in the summer coupled with low water holding capacity of the soil make irrigation necessary for the high quality landscapes desired by homeowners. This document is ABE 355, one of a series of the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date March 2005.
Dukes, M.D. and D.Z. Haman. 2001. Operation of residential irrigation controllers. Circular 1421. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Fernald, E., and E. Purdum. 1998. Water Resource Atlas. Florida State University: Tallahassee, FL: Institute of Public Affairs.
Florida Irrigation Society. 1989. Standards and specifications for turf and landscape irrigation systems. 2nd ed. Florida Irrigation Society, Inc., Winter Park, FL.
Irrigation Association. 2003. Turf and landscape irrigation best management practices DRAFT. Irrigation Association Water Management Committee, Falls Church, VA.
Marella, R.L. 1999. Water withdrawals, use, discharge, and trends in Florida, 1995. Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4002, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO.
Shearman. R. C. and K. N. Morris. 1998. National Turfgrass Evaluation Procedure Workbook. NTEP Turfgrass Evaluation Workshop, October 17, 1998, Beltsville, Maryland.
USDC. 2001. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates Program (PEP). Washington, DC.