Common Wetland and Aquatic Plants of Lake Apopka, Florida (USA)
Tsula Apopka lake chain in Citrus County, lily pads, flowers, water.
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How to Cite

Adams, Carrie Reinhardt, Laura Reynolds, Charles W. Martin, Christine Rohal, Ryan Goebel, and Jodi Slater. 2023. “Common Wetland and Aquatic Plants of Lake Apopka, Florida (USA) : ENH1363 EP627, 1 2023”. EDIS 2023 (1). Gainesville, FL.


This publication profiles common wetland and aquatic plants of Lake Apopka. Written by Carrie Reinhardt Adams, Laura Reynolds, Charles W. Martin, Christine Rohal, Ryan Goebel, and Jodi Slater, and published by the UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Department, January 2023.
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