This new EDIS fact sheet is intended for fresh produce growers to provide education on preventing transmission and contamination of Cyclospora on the farm. Written by Taylor L. O’Bannon, Michelle D. Danyluk, Keith R. Schneider, and Matthew D. Krug, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department; 2 pp.
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA Fact Sheet Cyclosporiasis and Fresh Produce (2018). https://www.fda.gov/media/123995/download.
Danyluk, M. D., Malekian, F., & Morris, B. (2021). Investigating Fresh Produce Cyclospora Outbreaks. Retrieved from https://www.afdo.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Investigating-Fresh-Produce-Cyclospora-Outbreaks.pdf.
Pabst, C. R., De, J., Goodrich Schneider, R., & Schneider, K. R. (2019). Preventing Foodborne Illness: Cyclosporiasis. Retrieved from https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/FS130.