The Road to Recovery #6: Evaluating Virtual Strategies to Build Community Capacity and Resilience
The virus that causes COVID-19
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How to Cite

Gusto, Cody Ross, Colby Silvert, John Diaz, and Glenn Israel. 2021. “The Road to Recovery #6: Evaluating Virtual Strategies to Build Community Capacity and Resilience: WC385 AEC723, 3 2021”. EDIS 2021 (2). Gainesville, FL.


This sixth publication in the Road to Recovery series provides tips and strategies for Extension professionals interested in evaluating efforts to promote community capacity building and community resilience using virtual platforms. This new 5-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication was written by Cody Gusto, Colby Silvert, John Diaz, and Glenn Israel.
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