Using Journey Mapping within Extension: A Tool for Supporting Behavior Change Programs
person seated at a conference table with markers and construction paper, filling out a data card during a journey-mapping session
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Journey mapping
participatory methods

How to Cite

Silvert, Colby, and Laura A. Sanagorski Warner. 2019. “Using Journey Mapping Within Extension: A Tool for Supporting Behavior Change Programs: AEC670 WC333, 4 2019”. EDIS 2019 (2). Gainesville, FL.


Extension is an important change agency, and Extension professionals use innovative strategies to help target audiences to adopt research-based practices and technologies. Tools from commercial marketing can be applied to behavior-change campaigns, often through an underused approach known as social marketing. Journey maps can be developed with Extension clients to provide insight into their progression and decision-making from one place or state of being to another. A journey can be the steps a person takes when selecting plants for the landscape, the decision-making process used when identifying agricultural business strategies, or the steps a person takes when leaving a workshop and travelling to their home. This new 9-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, written by Colby Silvert and Laura A. Sanagorski Warner, presents possible applications of journey mapping within an Extension context.
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