University of Florida Potato Variety Spotlight: Red LaSoda
Typical tuber skin and internal flesh color of Red LaSoda.
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How to Cite

Zotarelli, Lincoln, Doug Gergela, Chad M. Hutchinson, David Dinkins, and Edsel Redden. 2013. “University of Florida Potato Variety Spotlight: Red LaSoda: HS1078 HS323, Rev. 8 2013”. EDIS 2013 (10). Gainesville, FL.


Red LaSoda is the red-skinned fresh-market potato standard for Florida. It was observed in 1949 as a deep red mutant of LaSoda in the Louisiana potato breeding program. It has been in trials over many seasons and at many locations in Florida including university and grower sites. Production and quality results provided in this 4-page fact sheet are summarized from the red-skinned fresh-market trials conducted by the University of Florida over the past 14 seasons. Written by Lincoln Zotarelli, Doug Gergela, Chad M. Hutchinson, David Dinkins, and Edsel Redden, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, August 2013.
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Hutchinson, C.M., E.H. Simonne, G.J. Hochmuth, D.N. Maynard, W.M. Stall, S.M. Olson, S.E. Webb, T.G. Taylor and S.A. Smith. 2006. "Potato production in Florida". In: Vegetable Production Guide for Florida. S.M. Olson and E.H. Simonne, eds. University of Florida.

Sisson, J.A. and G.A. Porter. 2002. "Performance evaluations of potato clones and varieties in the northeastern states-1999". Maine Agr. For. Expt. Sta., Misc. Publ. 751.

Zotarelli, L., S. Sargent, P. Dittmar, M. Makani. 2011. Potato vine Killing or Desiccation. HS181. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

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