The acronym HACCP (pronounced /’hæ-sip/) stands for “Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point”. It is a food safety management system that is increasingly used in all aspects of the food industry. This revised 3-page fact sheet introduces the topic and summarizes the key components of a HACCP program. Written by R. Goodrich-Schneider, K. R. Schneider, M. D. Danyluk, and R. H. Schmidt, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, May 2012.
AFDO. 2004. 7 Principles of HACCP. Association of Food and Drug Officials Website. http://www.afdo.org/Training/HACCP/SevenHACCPPrinciples.cfm (Accessed 12 December 2011).
Corlett, D. A. 1998. HACCP User's Manual. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.
FDA. 2009. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Principles and Application Guidelines. FDA/CFSAN Website. http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodSafety/HazardAnalysisCriticalControlPointsHACCP/HACCPPrinciplesApplicationGuidelines/default.htm. (Accessed 12 December 2011).
FDA. 2011. About FSMA. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Website. http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodSafety/FSMA/ucm247546.htm. (Accessed 12 December 2011).
Mortimore, S., and C. Wallace. 2001. HACCP. London: Blackwell Science Ltd.
USDA/FSIS. 2010. HACCP & Pathogen Reduction. USDA-FSIS HACCP & Pathogen Reduction Website. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Science/Hazard_Analysis_&_Pathogen_Reduction/index.asp. (Accessed 12 December 2011).