Best Practice Checklist for Management of a Swine Show for Youth
Pig behavior and handling diagram.
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How to Cite

Carr, Chad, and Justin Crosswhite. 2011. “Best Practice Checklist for Management of a Swine Show for Youth: AN274 AN274, 12 2011”. EDIS 2011 (12). Gainesville, FL.


The management team for a swine show for youth should have a plan to manage the facilities, pigs, and personnel in a way that allows the show to be as stress-free and educational as possible. This 3-page fact sheet includes a checklist of information about unloading pigs, the size of the show ring, and pig handling training so that show managers know how to prepare for their show. Written by Chad Carr and Justin Crosswhite, and published by the UF Department of Animal Science, December 2011.

AN274/AN274: Best Practice Checklist for Management of a Swine Show for Youth (
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Ritter, M., M. Ellis, M. Benjamin, E. Berg, P. DuBois, J. Marchant-Forde, A. Green, P. Matzat, P. Mormede, T. Moyer, K. Pfalzgraf, M. Siemens, J. Sterle, T. Whiting, B.

Wolter, and A. Johnson. 2005. "The Fatigued Pig Syndrome." Journal of Animal Science 83 (Suppl. 1):258. Stahl, C. (ed.). 2004. Trucker Quality Assurance® Handbook. Des Moines, IA: National Pork Board.
