Individuals may set goals to achieve a personal objective such as career advancement. This publication is designed to introduce a sequential process for setting goals. It begins by defining a goal and identifying reasons for setting goals. It then describes a process based on the acronym SMART for developing and implementing goals. This document is FE577, one of a series of the Food and Resource Economics Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date November 2005.
FE577/FE577: Developing SMART Goals for Your Organization (ufl.edu)
Barton, R.B. 2000. Chapter 7, Organizational Goal Setting and Planning. Murray State University, Murray, KY. http://campus.murraystate.edu/academic/faculty/rb.barton/40mgmt07.ppt#256,1,chapter7.
Davis, Jeffery H. N/D. Chapter 1, Managing and Achieving Organization Goals. American Management Association, New York, NY. http://www.flexstudy.com/catalog/index.cfm?location=sch&coursenum=95086.
Measure-X. S.M.A.R.T. Goals. N.D. E-mail Newsletter #27, Phoenix, AZ. http://www.measure-x.com/newsletter/27.html.