Understanding Glyphosate Formulations
EDIS Cover Volume 2019 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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Kanissery, Ramdas, Steve H Futch, Brent Sellers, and Camille McAvoy. 2019. “Understanding Glyphosate Formulations”. EDIS 2019 (May). Gainesville, FL. https://journals.flvc.org/edis/article/view/108607.


Glyphosate is a popular post-emergent herbicide among Florida citrus growers for its broad-spectrum of weed control under trees and vegetation management in row middles. The use of glyphosate as a ‘burn-down’ application alone, or in combination with other herbicides, is a standard practice in citrus groves. There are various glyphosate-containing product formulations available to citrus growers. Regardless of the product, the active ingredient that controls the emerged weeds is the same: i.e., glyphosate. Nevertheless, there can be lack of clarity in understanding some of the differences among various formulations of glyphosate-based herbicides. The following article is intended to help citrus growers to better understand their glyphosate products and accomplish the goal of efficacious weed control.

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