Lesser Wax Moth Achroia grisella Fabricius (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
EDIS Cover Volume 2015 Number 9 Irrigation image
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Egelie, Ashley A., Ashley N. Mortensen, Lynn Barber, Jessica Sullivan, y James D. Ellis. 2015. «Lesser Wax Moth Achroia Grisella Fabricius (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): EENY637 IN1108, 11 2015». EDIS 2015 (9). Gainesville, FL:4. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-in1108-2015.


This EDIS publication is an alternate version of a page published first on the Featured Creatures website. The Featured Creatures collection provides in-depth profiles of insects, nematodes, arachnids and other organisms relevant to Florida. These profiles are intended for the use of interested laypersons with some knowledge of biology as well as academic audiences. This 4-page fact sheet that discusses the lesser wax moth was written by Ashley A. Egelie, Ashley N. Mortensen, Lynn Barber, Jessica Sullivan, and James D. Ellis, and published by the UF Entomology and Nematology Department, November 2015.

EENY637/IN1108: Lesser Wax Moth Achroia grisella Fabricius (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (ufl.edu)

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Ellis JD, Zettel Nalen CM. (2013). Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman (Arachnida: Acari: Varroidae). University of Florida, IFAS, Entomology and Nematology Department, Featured Creatures, EENY-473. (3 August 2015). http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/misc/bees/varroa_mite.htm

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National Bee Unit. (2010). Wax moth. The Food and Environment Research Agency, New Zealand,. (3 August 2015)

Somerville D. 2007. Wax moth. New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Primefact 658. (3 August 2015).

Williams JL. 1978. Chapter 7: Insects: Lepidoptera (Moths), pp. 105-127. In Morse R. (ed.), Honey bee pests, predators and diseases. Comstock Publishing, a division of Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. 732 pp.
