2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Soft-Bodied Insects Attacking Foliage and Fruit


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Diepenbrock, Lauren Marie, Lukasz L. Stelinski, Xavier Martini, y Jawwad Qureshi. (2021) 2021. «2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Soft-Bodied Insects Attacking Foliage and Fruit: CG004 ENY-604, Rev 3 2021». EDIS 2021 (CPG). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-cg004-2021.


This publication was updated October 19, 2021 to state that chlorpyrifos tolerances will be revoked effective 2/28/22.

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Derechos de autor 2021 UF/IFAS