Video Equipment and Video Shot Composition
A picture of someone holding up a phone showing a movie slate app.
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Telg, Ricky. 2012. «Video Equipment and Video Shot Composition: WC125 WC125, 6 2012». EDIS 2012 (6). Gainesville, FL.


You should become as familiar as possible with the video camera you plan to use and how best to use it in creating effective video shots. For a basic video shoot, the minimum equipment requirements are a video camera, a microphone, a light source, and a tripod. Composition refers to the types of video shots you will shoot. This 5-page fact sheet provides an overview of equipment and composition techniques. Written by Ricky Telg and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, June 2012.

WC125/WC125: Video Equipment and Video Shot Composition (
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