Florida 4-H Treasurer's Manual and Record Book
4-H Treasurer's Manual book cover.
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Cómo citar

Jordan, Joy, Mary Thomas, y Tiffany Browning. 2012. «Florida 4-H Treasurer’s Manual and Record Book: 4HGCR02 4H012, Rev. 3 2012». EDIS 2012 (4). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-4h012-2012.


So, you’ve been elected treasurer of your 4-H club! This revised 36-page record book will help guide you in your duties and responsibilities and will be the official financial record of your club. Written by Joy Jordan and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2012.

4HGCR02/4H012: Florida 4-H Treasurer's Manual and Record Book (ufl.edu)

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