Diagnosing Herbicide Injury in Peanut
EDIS Cover Volume 2010 Number 4 Aquaculture image
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Morichetti, S., y Jason Ferrell. 2010. «Diagnosing Herbicide Injury in Peanut: SS-AGR-327 AG337, 12 2009». EDIS 2010 (4). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ag337-2009.


SS-AGR-327, a 12-page illustrated fact sheet by S. Morichetti and J. Ferrell, details mechanism of action, behavior in plants, and symptomology for various types of herbicides used in peanut production. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, December 2009.

SS-AGR-327/AG337: Diagnosing Herbicide Injury in Peanut (ufl.edu)

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