Preparing to Plant a Florida Lawn
EDIS Cover Volume 2009 Number 5 landscape image
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Cómo citar

Trenholm, Laurie E., y Amy L. Shober. 2009. «Preparing to Plant a Florida Lawn: ENH 02 LH012, Rev. 5 2009». EDIS 2009 (5). Gainesville, FL.


Revised! ENH-02, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by L.E. Trenholm and Amy L. Shober, provides a general guideline to the steps for preparing the soil before planting a lawn. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, May 2009.

ENH 02/LH012: Preparing to Plant a Florida Lawn (
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PDF-2009 (English)


Craul, P.J. 1992. Urban Soil in Landscape Design. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.

Urban, J. 2008. Up by Roots. International Society of Arboriculture, Champaign, IL.
