Effective Questioning Techniques
EDIS Cover Volume 2009 Number 2 education image
PDF-2008 (English)

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Cómo citar

Dyer, James E. 2009. «Effective Questioning Techniques: WC084 WC084, 12 2008». EDIS 2009 (2). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc084-2008.


WC084, a 6-page fact sheet by James E. Dyer, discusses the purpose of questioning in the classroom, types of questions, how to maximize student participation, providing sufficient wait time, handling student responses, and responding to student questions. Includes references and Blooms Taxonomy Reference Guide. Published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, December 2008.

PDF-2008 (English)


Bloom, B. (Ed.). (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: Handbook I cognitive domain. New York: David McKay Company.

Department of Education, Tasmania, School Education Division. Asking Questions. Retrieved October 5, 2008 from http://wwwfp.education.tas.gov.au/english/askquest.htm.

Goodwin, S.S., Sharp, G.W., Cloutier, E.F., Diamond, N.A., & Dalgaard, K.A. (1992). Effective classroom questioning. University of Illinois-Urbana: Office of Instructional and Management Services.
