An Iodine-Based Starch Test to Assist in Selecting Leaves for HLB Testing
EDIS Cover Volume 2008 Number 2 Tropical Palms image
PDF-2007 (English)

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Cómo citar

Etxeberria, Ed, Pedro Gonzalez, William O. Dawson, y Timothy Spann. 2008. «An Iodine-Based Starch Test to Assist in Selecting Leaves for HLB Testing: HS1122 HS375, 12 2007». EDIS 2008 (2). Gainesville, FL.


HS1122, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Ed Etxeberria, Pedro Gonzalez, William Dawson, and Timothy Spann, presents an IFAS-developed version of a rapid, simple field diagnostic tool for Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) and how to interpret the results. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, December 2007.
PDF-2007 (English)