This document is SS AGR 267, part of the Florida Sugarcane Handbook, published by the UF Agronomy Department, June - October 2007.
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Glaz, B. and J. Vonderwell. 2004. Sugarcane variety census: Florida 2003. Sugar Journal 67(2): 11-19.
Shine, Jr., J.M., C.W. Deren, P.Y.P. Tai, J.D. Miller, B. Glaz, and J.C. Comstock. 1996. Registration of 'CP 84-1591' sugarcane. Crop Science 36:1075.
Shine, Jr., J.M., R.A. Gilbert, and J.D. Miller. 2002. Post-freeze performance of 16 sugarcane cultivars following the December 31, 2000 freeze event in Florida. Journal American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 22:122.