Introducing Ecotourism to Florida's Counties and Landowners: An Ecotourism/Nature Based Tourism Fact Sheet
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 18 soil image
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Wyman, Miriam S., y Taylor V. Stein. 2007. «Introducing Ecotourism to Florida’s Counties and Landowners: An Ecotourism Nature Based Tourism Fact Sheet: FOR 110 FR163, 4 2007». EDIS 2007 (18). Gainesville, FL.


FOR-110, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Miriam S. Wyman and Taylor V. Stein, defines eco- and nature-based tourism, provides statistics, and discusses positive and negative aspects, community planning, and describes some successful examples. Includes references. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, April 2007.

FOR 110/FR163: Introducing Ecotourism to Florida's Counties and Landowners: An Ecotourism/Nature Based Tourism Fact Sheet (
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Boo, E. 1990. Ecotourism: The Potentials and Pitfalls. Vol I and II. World Wildlife Fund: Washington, D.C.

Ceballos-Lascurain, Héctor. 1996. Tourism, Ecotourism, and Protected Areas: The State of Nature-based Tourism Around the World and Guidelines for Its Development. IUCN: Cambridge. [The World Conservation Union].

Florida Department of Transportation. 2005. Florida Scenic Highway, Florida Department of Transportation, available at (accessed June 14, 2005).

Honey, M. 1999. Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who Owns Paradise. Island Press, Washington DC, Covelo CA.

International Ecotourism Society. 2005. Research (statistics and fact sheets), available at (accessed June 14, 2005).

Kimmel, J. 1999. Ecotourism as environmental learning. Journal of Environmental Education. 30(2): 40-44.

Stein, T.V. 2004. Things to know about offering nature-based tourism on private forestlands in Florida. Florida Forests. 8(1): 6-10.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 2005: Tools for Tourism, available at (accessed June 14, 2005).

Wesche, R. and A. Drumm. 1999. Defending our rainforest: A guide to community based ecotourism in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Acción Amazonia.
