Dale una Mano a los Bosques: Guia de Accion Juvenil
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 16 ornamental fish image
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Easton, Janice, Martha C. Monroe, Alison Bowers, y Gabriella Scollo. 2007. «Dale Una Mano a Los Bosques: Guia De Accion Juvenil: CIR 1269S FR140, Rev. 9 2006». EDIS 2007 (16). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fr140-2006.


Revised! Circular 1269-S, a 109-page illustrated guide by Janice Easton, Martha C. Monroe, and Alison W. Bowers, is the Spanish language version of Circular 1269, Give Forests a Hand Youth Action Guide, translated by Gabriella Scollo. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2006.

CIR 1269S/FR140: Dale una Mano a los Bosques: Guía de Acción Juvenil (ufl.edu)

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