Tropical Soda Apple Control: Sorting Through the Options
EDIS Cover Volume 2006 Number 14 sugarcane image
PDF-2006 (English)

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Cómo citar

Ferrell, Jason A., Brent Sellers, y Jeffrey J. Mullahey. 2006. «Tropical Soda Apple Control: Sorting Through the Options: SS-AGR-129 AG261, 8 2006». EDIS 2006 (14). Gainesville, FL.


SS-AGR-129, a 2-page fact sheet by J. A. Ferrell, B. Sellers, and J. J. Mullahey, presents a table describing the strengths and weaknesses of the new herbicide options that have arisen in the past three years for controlling tropical soda apple. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2006.
PDF-2006 (English)