Stubby-Root Nematode, Trichodorus obtusus Cobb (Nematoda: Adenophorea: Triplonchida: Diphtherophorina: Trichodoridea: Trichodoridae)
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Crow, William T. 2005. «Stubby-Root Nematode, Trichodorus Obtusus Cobb (Nematoda: Adenophorea: Triplonchida: Diphtherophorina: Trichodoridea: Trichodoridae): EENY-340 IN617, 11 2004». EDIS 2005 (5). Gainesville, FL.


Nematodes in the family Trichodoridae (Thorne, 1935) Siddiqi, 1961, are commonly called "stubby-root" nematodes, because feeding by these nematodes can cause a stunted or "stubby" appearing root system. Trichodorus obtusus is one of the most damaging nematodes on turfgrasses, but also may cause damage to other crops. This document is EENY-340, one of a series of Featured Creatures from the Entomology and Nematology Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Published: November 2004. 

EENY340/IN617: Stubby-Root Nematode, Trichodorus obtusus Cobb (syn T. proximus) (Nematoda: Adenophorea: Triplonchida: Diphtherophorina: Trichodoridea: Trichodoridae) (
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Crow WT. 2004. Diagnosis of Trichodorus obtusus and Paratrichodorus minor on turfgrasses in the Southeastern United States. Plant Health Progress: in press.

Crow WT, Welch JK. 2004. Root reductions of St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis) induced by Trichodorus obtusus and Paratrichodorus minor. Nematropica: in press.

Decreamer W. 1991. Stubby root and virus vector nematodes. p.587-625 In Nickle WR (ed.) Manual of Agricultural Nematology. Macel Dekker, Inc. New York.

Hunt DJ. 1993. Aphelenchida, Longidoridae and Trichodoridae: Their systematics and bionomics. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.

Rhoades HL. 1965. Parasitism and pathogenicity of Trichodorus proximus to St. Augustine grass. Plant Disease Reporter 49:259-262.
