Healthy Eating: Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label
High density (1,361 trees per acre) Murcott trees yielding 680 boxes/acre in year 2, CREC CUPS. Figure 4 from publication CMG19/HS1304: Citrus Under Protective Screen (CUPS) production systems. Credits: Arnold W. Schumann, UF/IFAS.
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Palabras clave

Healthy eating
nutrition label

Cómo citar

Bobroff, Linda, y Karla P. Shelnutt. 2017. «Healthy Eating: Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label: FCS8883 FY1127, rev.5 2017». EDIS 2017 (4). Gainesville, FL.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that most food packages have the Nutrition Facts label. This label contains information about nutrients in the food to help people make healthier food choices. Older adults can use the label to choose foods that provide required daily nutrients or fit with a diet plan to manage a disease or health condition. This 4-page fact sheet is a major revision that discusses the Nutrition Facts label, checking calories, limiting certain nutrients, % Daily Values, and consuming enough fiber, vitamin D, potassium, calcium, and iron.
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