This is part of a series of 2-5 page fact sheets by Elizabeth B. Bolton and Anna Guest-Jelley that provide guidance for building a non-profit organization, from establishing its mission to effectively lobbying. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, June 2009. Reviewed June 2012.
BoardSource. (2006). http://www.boardsource.org/Knowledge.asp?ID=3&category_id=55
BoardSource. (2003). http://www.boardsource.org
Carver, J. and Carver, M. Carver's policy governance model in nonprofit organizations. Originally published as "Le modèle Policy Governance et les organisms sans but lucrative" in Gouvernance - revue internationale, Vol. 2, nos. 1, Winter 2001. Available online at http://www.carvergovernance.com/pg-np.htm.