The tuliptree aphid, Illinoia liriodendri (Monell) is a sap-feeding insect herbivore of Liriodendron tulipifera that commonly reaches high densities on trees planted in urban settings. Liriodendron tulipifera is a large tree species native throughout eastern North America known commonly as tuliptree or tulip poplar. This tree is a common ornamental tree species used in urban forests throughout the mid-Atlantic states of North America. Although it occurs mostly in temperate regions, Illinoia liriodendri can be found in most places where tulip poplar is grown. While its effects are recognized to be mostly aesthetic, heavy infestations of tuliptree aphid can significantly impact young trees, and they are considered the most important insect pest of this tree species in urban landscapes . This publication describes the identification, biology, and management of tuliptree aphid.
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