‘Lava Glow’ is a new and novel caladium cultivar that produces bright red to red-purple heart-shaped leaves with strong sunburn tolerance and is resistant to leaf spot diseases. This new 7-page publication of the UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Department is prepared for growers who are interested in growing caladium as a horticultural crop and for greenhouse or nursery growers who are interested in producing potted caladium plants. Written by Zhanao Deng, Natalia A. Peres, and Johan Desaeger.
Deng, Z., and B. K. Harbaugh. 2006. “ ‘Garden White’—A Large White Fancy-Leaved Caladium for Sunny Landscapes and Large Containers.” HortScience 41 (3): 840–842. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.41.3.840
Deng, Z., B. K. Harbaugh, and N. A. Peres. 2013. “UF 4412 and UF 4424—Red Lance-Leaved Caladium Cultivars.” HortScience 48 (2): 239–244. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.48.2.239
Deng, Z., N. A. Peres, and J. Desaeger. 2023. “ ‘Lava Glow’ – A Novel Red Fancy-Leaved Caladium for Containers and Landscapers.” HortScience 57 (in print). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI16937-22
Goktepe, F., T. Seijo, Z. Deng, B. K. Harbaugh, and N. A. Peres. 2007. “Toward Breeding for Resistance to Fusarium Tuber Rot in Caladium: Inoculation Technique and Sources of Resistance.” HortScience 42 (5): 1135–1139. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.42.5.1135
Wilfret, G. J. 1991. “Florida Sweetheart, a Rose Lance Caladium for Landscape and Containers.” UF/IFAS Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-380.