A Landowner’s Introduction to the Forest Carbon Market
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forest carbon market
carbon credits
carbon offset projects
climate change
carbon sequestration
carbon storage
carbon dioxide


How to Cite

Medina Irizarry, Natalia, Michael Andreu, and Tamara Cushing. 2022. “A Landowner’s Introduction to the Forest Carbon Market: FOR382 FR453, 3 2022”. EDIS 2022 (2). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fr453-2022.


In recent years, carbon programs have emerged that allow forest landowners to receive payment for the ecosystem services their forests provide. The primary service of interest is carbon sequestration because it has been deemed one of the solutions to climate change. This publication serves as an introduction to the forest carbon market, how it works, common terminology used, and who some of the key players are.

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