Traditional insecticide treatments remain as the main tools for managing this important pest. Many are highly effective. Systemic insecticides for young tree protection are especially effective and generally have a longer duration of efficacy than foliar applied larvicides. Foliar applications must be made to flush in a timely manner to achieve adequate control. One may expect the possibility of 2-4 weeks of control with a foliar larvicide or up to 6-8 weeks of control with a soil applied neonicotinoid or cyazypyr, depending on application timing, tree size, and weather conditions. However, alternative methods that exploit the pheromone of citrus leafminer do exist. While these alternatives may in some cases cost more than traditional insecticides, and require manual application by hand, the benefits some growers in Florida have observed, including long-lasting efficacy with mating disruption, and no impact on beneficial organisms, are considerations when planning an annual management program for this pest.

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