Economic Potential of Switchgrass as a Biofuel Crop in Florida
Elite bioenergy switchgrass growing in eastern Nebraska.



How to Cite

Helsel, Zane R., and Jose Alvarez. 2012. “Economic Potential of Switchgrass As a Biofuel Crop in Florida: FE900 FE900, 12 2011”. EDIS 2012 (2). Gainesville, FL.


Switchgrass has been recognized by the United States Department of Energy as a potentially important source of ethanol. This publication evaluates the economic potential of producing switchgrass as a perennial bioenergy crop in Florida. In South Florida, two cuts of "hay" for biofuel are possible, whereas in North Florida, one cut would normally be taken after frost in late fall. These two harvest systems are evaluated and compared, and cost estimates are provided. This 7-page fact sheet was written by Zane R. Helsel and José Álvarez, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, December 2011.


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Newman, Y., M.J. Williams, Z. Helsel, and J. Vendramini. 2011. Production of biofuel crops in Florida: Switchgrass. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) AG296. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.

Wright, L. 2007. Historical perspective on how and why switchgrass was selected as a "model" high-potential energy crop. United States Department of Energy Document DE-AC05-00OR22725. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (August).
