Costos estimados de reemplazo de árboles de aguacate en plantaciones comerciales y patios en el sur de Florida
EDIS Cover Volume 2010 Number 5 volunteers image
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How to Cite

Evans, Edward A., and Jonathan H. Crane. 2010. “Costos Estimados De Reemplazo De árboles De Aguacate En Plantaciones Comerciales Y Patios En El Sur De Florida: FE838/FE838, 6/2010”. EDIS 2010 (5). Gainesville, FL.


FE838, a 4-page fact sheet by Edward A. Evans and Jonathan H. Crane, is the Spanish language version of FE825 Estimates of the Replacement Costs of Commercial and Backyard Avocado Trees in South Florida. It discusses the projected costs to replace commercial and residential avocado trees in South Florida, due to the potential problems caused by the redbay-laurel wilt disease. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, June 2010.

FE838/FE838: Costos estimados de reemplazo de árboles de aguacate en plantaciones comerciales y patios en el sur de Florida (
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