Alligatorweed flea beetle Agasicles hygrophila Selman and Vogt (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Halticinae)
EDIS Cover Volume 2009 Number 9 accounts image
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How to Cite

Center, Ted D., James P. Cuda, and Michael J. Grodowitz. 2009. “Alligatorweed Flea Beetle Agasicles Hygrophila Selman and Vogt (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Halticinae): EENY 462/IN831, 10/2009”. EDIS 2009 (9). Gainesville, FL.


EENY462, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Ted D. Center, James P. Cuda, and Michael J. Grodowitz, is part of the Featured Creatures collection. It describes this beetle that was the first insect ever studied for biological control of an aquatic weed — distribution, description, life cycle and biology, host, and economic importance. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, October 2009.

EENY 462/IN831: Alligatorweed Flea Beetle Agasicles hygrophila Selman and Vogt (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Halticinae) (
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Buckingham GR, Boucias D, Theriot RF. 1983. Reintroduction of the alligator flea beetle (Agasicles hygrophila Selman and Vogt) into the United States from Argentia. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 21: 101-102.

Buckingham GR. 2002. Alligatorweed. pp. 5-16. In Van Driesche R, Blossey B, Hoddle M, Lyon S, Reardon R (editors). Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the Eastern United States, USDA Forest Service Publication FHTET-2002-04.

Center TD, Dray Jr FA, Jubinsky GP, Grodowitz MJ. 2002. Insects and Other Arthropods That Feed on Aquatic and Wetland plants. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Technical Bulletin No. 1870.

CSIRO. (2004). Alligatorweed flea beetle, Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt. CSIRO Entomology. (19 August 2009).

Grodowitz MJ, Whitaker, SL. (2005). Agasicles hygrophila - Alligatorweed Flea Beetle. Engineer Research and Development Center. (19 August 2009).

Langeland KA, Cherry HM, McCormick CM, Craddock Burks, KA. 2008. Identification and Biology of Nonnative Plants in Florida's Natural Areas, 2nd Edition. University of Florida/IFAS. Gainesville, FL.

Masterson, J. (December 2007). Agasicles hygrophila, Alligatorweed Flea Beetle. Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce. (19 August 2009).

USACE (October 2007). Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt - "Alligatorweed Flea Beetle." U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Environmental Laboratory. (19 August 2009).

USACE. (July 2008). Alligatorweed. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Jacksonville. (19 August 2009).
