FOR-212, a 4-page fact sheet by Chris Demers, outlines 8 steps for forestland owners to set up a smooth transition between themselves and the future owners of their property. Includes references. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, March 2009.
FOR 212/FR274: Ownership Succession: Plan Now for the Future of Your Land (ufl.edu)
Anon. "Chapter 12: Form of forest land ownership and business organization" National Timber Tax Web site. 6 May 2008. http://www.timbertax.org/publications/aghandbook/pdf/ch12.pdf
Bentz, C.J., M. Green, R. Irvin, C. Landgren, C. Lynch, S. Watkins and B. Withrow-Robinson. 2006. Ties to the land: Your family forest heritage. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 76 p.
Best, Constance. 2002. America's private forests: Challenges for conservation. Journal of Forestry, April-May. pp 14-17.
Hawbaker, J.M. "Ownership structures for your farm or ranch: Some basic considerations." Risk management workshop series, 2006. North Central Risk Management Education Center, Center for Rural Affairs, University of Nebraska. 1 May 2008. http://www.cfra.org/files/BusinessStructure.pdf
Main, M., K. Annisa and M. Hostetler. 2006 (rev). Conservation options for private landowners in Florida. CIR 1441. Coop. Ext. Serv., IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 26p.
McEvoy, T.J. 2004. Planning the future forest. National Woodlands Magazine. 17(4). pp 10-12. [updated to Fall 2006].